Oh how I envy you!!
But … the enhanced focus as a result of my lockdown situation, is proving very beneficial.
To be honest it’s not bad. I just love freedom, and not having to explain myself.
Oh how I envy you!!
But … the enhanced focus as a result of my lockdown situation, is proving very beneficial.
To be honest it’s not bad. I just love freedom, and not having to explain myself.
I am having some good results calibrating with a general set of questions that seem to work for me along these lines…
What is causing this feeling?
Is how I am feeling anything to do with the situation I am observing?
Or is it just my thoughts about it, that are the “problem”?
So if my thoughts are causing me to feel this way, external reality is not the problem?
So surely what I am feeling, must be the result of what I am thinking/vibrating, compared to my Inner Being?
So what does my Inner Being Think?
The questions are irrelevant. But when I come to calibrate, I find I can do it VERY quickly by reminding myself what is actually going on.
Calibration is an opportunity to remind myself of what is going on. Instead of getting lost in the feeling and situation in the moment.
Reminding myself, that I feel the way I do, because my thoughts don’t align with that of my Inner Being. Not because of what is going on outside of me.
At first it is constant reminding that is required, or old thought habits kick in.
After a while this correlation is seen, or remembered, more easily. I get a great feeling of relief, and continue on calibrating in whatever direction feels great. Then inspiration strikes, or an idea, or more contrast etc.
More contrast is often the case, as my Inner Being is leading me to more clarity. It is amazing what clarity comes as a result.
Each time I feel negative emotion, I use it as an opportunity to remember who I am, and what is going on. This creates a habit, and new vibration, and feeling good becomes more of a habit, compared to getting lost to reality.
And on the cycle goes … every moment of the day, like the yin and yang. Contrast then Alignment, Contrast then Alignment. A constant balancing dance.
But the more we align, the contrast isn’t big scary, dramatic, struggle, lack, fear, pain etc like we may have been used to.
It’s more like questions and answers, or playful curiosity then discovery, a fun journey then a destination. Or playful competition, as opposed to struggling to compete and survive. The energy of the contrast is much more positive, and actually quite enjoyable.
Unless we let things go too far. As we are flowing energy faster, we need to address feelings sooner, or things can crash quickly.
It is like a playful dance all day, on a big and small scale.
Contrast is motivation. We feel that force of energy, and think we need to act on it. So we try and force action. But really it is just motivation to align.
That life force, or resistance we feel, is a good thing. And if we unblock it, we ride that wave into alignment. Once aligned, we get inspired, then repeat it all over again.
So contrast can be motivation to align, alignment can be inspiration to act.
It can be tricky, because I am used to motivation coming with an element of force. A hint of resistance. It provides that feeling of having accomplished something, or having been productive.
But by aligning, any action is joyful and easy. And without that force or resistance that comes from motivation. It is easy to think that nothing is being done. Yet we are being way more productive than we realise. It may take a few days to notice the changes. Things sort of just tend to happen.
What I have been able to discover with this Calibration. Is I have the same issue/vibration/belief affecting nearly every area of my life. Sure there are a few others, but the same vibration is clearly popping up in everything. As I calibrate, I can see it in the flavour of my thinking. It is the same every time. Things become very easy to spot. External reality also reflects it with perfect accuracy.
So I can tailor calibration questions now to target this belief/vibration. One or Two questions and whatever I am feeling drops away, and the positive energy is flowing again.
Seeing it work, totally takes away the need to act on what is bothering me. I would much rather calibrate, than force myself to take action on seemingly impossible problems!
The beauty of this calibration process. Is it allows you to investigate what is blocking you, without really having to confront, explore or activate limiting beliefs. It gives us a chance to fearlessly deal with things, in a fun way.
I have been using the Virtual Vortex calibration template in the forum too, and keeping a journal. I can’t recommend it enough. I just started doing it, and noting down good feeling clarity during the day.
Now it has snowballed, and I am having big deep understandings unfolding each day. Building on the previous. It is the law of attraction in action. This is after about 5 days of doing this.
I also recommend to keep the attitude of always focusing on starting, as taught in the webinar. All day every day. When an inspiration strikes, just focus on starting. It is fantastic, it prevents being overwhelmed, or over thinking and introducing resistance. Then let the momentum take it as far as it will go.
Just start, on whatever the inspiration is that comes in. Be it writing down a thought. Or taking a seemingly small action as part of a big overall project. It doesn’t matter what it is.
And if it is motivation (contrast), then just start on aligning in whichever way feels best.
I find the concept of focusing on starting, is very aligned with only doing things for the joy of doing it. And not trying to force or achieve an outcome.
Also, I am a proud Professional Idiot!!
Wow, sounds like you’re doing really well, congrats! Thanks for sharing your experience, it’s always nice to hear about good things happening, and it’s interesting to see how other people apply this process!
Thanks @MLC life is becoming a lot of fun.
Out of curiosity @stingray, why do you consider the Calibration process superior to Vibrational Nudging?
I generally evaluate ideas according to the Minimum Effective Dose concept…what’s the minimum I have to do to get a desired result?
If it takes 20 years of psychotherapy to resolve an issue that takes five minutes of Vibrational Nudging, then I would consider Vibrational Nudging superior to psychotherapy.
Similarly, if it takes a few moments of Calibration to nudge a subject to a better-feeling place compared to a minute of Vibrational Nudging, I’d rate Calibration higher.
This, of course, assumes that all the processes work equally effectively. Sometimes your usual process fails to generate immediate relief for some reason then you have no choice but to use something else. Hence why it’s valuable to be proficient in numerous processes.
This Abraham recording isn’t really about the calibration process or asking questions, but there is a small section at the end of the video that I found really helpful, so I wanted to share it.
I’m currently trying to improve my moment-to-moment alignment and inspiration. The more present I am in the moment, the more aware I become of inspired thought.
The questions they mention at the end seem really useful when dealing with contrast (…when it isn’t clear whether a thought is inspired or not). In those situations, the calibration process (or just asking questions in general) can be a helpful tool.
In this recording, they don’t refer to these questions as “calibration”, but it seems to be a similar process.*
The video clip is about a hot seater who has a troubled relationship with her sister.
Here are some snippets:
What is my true momentum? Am I an uplifter or the opposite?
Is the path of least resistance to my alignment to do this or not do this?
Am I a lover or a hater? Which?
Is calling my sister right now going to make me more of a lover or more of a hater?
Probably more of a hater because she is going to keep doing all that stuff that she does that I hate.
So, what’s the path of least resistance to your love?
Some distance for now! Some opportunity to deactivate all the stuff that’s cluttered your understanding of who she is.
Alignment, and then… alignment, and then… alignment, and then…
*Edit: I’ve just realised that they refer to this process as, “Which thought feels better?”
This is process 13 in their book, “Ask and It Is Given”.