Satisfaction brings a faster life
Well, you cannot cease your desire, you can cease your resistance about your desire, but you cannot stop the expansion of this universe or the expansion of your being.
But you can hold yourself in resistance to your expansion, in which case you feel miserable or some degree of it.
Once we can get you pointed in the direction of the wonderfulness of satisfaction and more, so that that becomes the cornerstone of what you care about, then as life comes at you faster and faster - and it will once you start finding satisfaction and maintaining it - then circumstances will come at you, which causes you to launch more rockets in a shorter period of time.
And because youâve sustained your feeling of well being in a more chronic way then more of those things manifest. And so you have the sensation of living a fuller, faster, funner, and you want to say, more productive life.
Now, we donât want to call it more productive. Because youâre not here to produce, youâre here to experience love, and joy. And the productivity is just a byproduct of that.