Action quotes

Satisfaction brings a faster life

Well, you cannot cease your desire, you can cease your resistance about your desire, but you cannot stop the expansion of this universe or the expansion of your being.

But you can hold yourself in resistance to your expansion, in which case you feel miserable or some degree of it.

Once we can get you pointed in the direction of the wonderfulness of satisfaction and more, so that that becomes the cornerstone of what you care about, then as life comes at you faster and faster - and it will once you start finding satisfaction and maintaining it - then circumstances will come at you, which causes you to launch more rockets in a shorter period of time.

And because you’ve sustained your feeling of well being in a more chronic way then more of those things manifest. And so you have the sensation of living a fuller, faster, funner, and you want to say, more productive life.

Now, we don’t want to call it more productive. Because you’re not here to produce, you’re here to experience love, and joy. And the productivity is just a byproduct of that.



Allow not achieve

We would like you to release the words “achieve” or “earn” from your vocabulary and from your understanding altogether, and we would like you to replace those words with the word “allow.”

You’re wanting to allow your wellbeing, not achieve it. It’s not something that you need to earn.

All you have to do is decide what it is you would like to experience, and then allow it in order to achieve it. It isn’t something you have to struggle for or try for. You are all worthy beings. You are deserving of this wellbeing.

Abraham, July 8, 2000 - Detroit, MI


Your vibration calls action from you

Hard work is not the path to well-being. Feeling good is the path to well-being.

You don’t create through action; you create through vibration. And then, your vibration calls action from you.

Abraham, Excerpted from Washington, DC on 5/7/05


Leave it alone

(Abraham speaks both parts of this conversation to present an example)

“Abraham, I have this thing that I’ve wanted for a while, and it isn’t coming. What should I do?”

Leave it alone.

“Well, I know I should leave it alone, but I got this thing I’ve wanted it for such a long time. What should I do? How can I make it come to me?”

Just leave it alone.

“Are you sure I should leave it alone? Because it feels like I should be hard after it!”

Well, you should leave it alone because your Vortex got hold of it, and your Inner Being has got hold of it, and it’s working on your behalf. It’s been moved to the Universe’s side of the placemat.

So now you can let go of it. And if you keep putting it back on your side of the placemat, then you’re gonna do a crappy job of it instead of letting the Universe do a divine job of it

Abraham, French Riviera Cruise, Sept 2017


You do not have to orchestrate the path through which things unfold

You are not creating through action therefore effort and energy and time are irrelevant. You are creating vibrationally through energy which gives you huge leverage.

So you could create hundreds of things simultaneously because you did the Step 1 - the asking - incrementally.

You didn’t just today set forth all of those things in motion. You’ve been setting them in motion, they’ve been evolving, they’ve been expanding and now you have done Step 1 - you’ve already asked.

Step 2…source has already answered that so everything’s already lined up and in place.

So your work is to pick anything from among that that delights you, give it your attention, not because it needs your attention but because it feels good to give it your attention, use it as your excuse to come into alignment with who you are and when you are in alignment with who you are, all of those things that you have already put over there in vibrational escrow begin expanding, evolving.

You do not have to orchestrate the path through which things unfold. It’s all tended to at a broader level.

You just have to get out of the way so that you can see the opportunities as they come.

Abraham, Los Angeles, CA, 04/01/07


It’s not the completion of anything

People say, “The joy is in the journey” but they rarely understand what they are saying.

You are in this focused time/space reality with goals and objectives that call you because as you identify a desire, it literally summons life through you.

Life summoning through you is what it’s all about - it’s not the completion of anything.

Abraham, Excerpted from Chicago, IL on 11/1/98

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Line up energy, and action becomes inconsequential

Take the time to line up the energy first, and action becomes inconsequential.

If you don’t take the time to line up the energy, if you don’t find the feeling place of what you’re looking for, not enough action in the world will make any difference.


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Line up energy, and procrastination goes away

When you feel enthusiasm to do something, it means you’ve lined up the energy, and you are being inspired to take action from that point of alignment.

When you don’t feel like doing it, don’t push yourself, because your effort is not worth it. But when you line up the energy, the feeling of procrastination goes away.

Abraham, Excerpted from San Rafael, CA on 7/31/05

You cannot take enough action to compensate

Anything you do to overcome or prevent, causes a spotlight on the very thing you are wanting to overcome and prevent. You cannot take enough action to compensate for the Energy that you’re flowing.

Abraham, Excerpted from Philadelphia, PA on 4/14/98

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Inspired action is the key

When you realize you feel a certain way and then you find an action to try to change the way you feel, it’s less productive than if you know how you feel and you find thoughts to change the way you feel, and then find inspired action to match the feeling.

Abraham, Hawaiian Cruise 2007

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Doors will open

When your thought is in sync with that which comes forth from within, doors will open - and everything that is action-oriented will be smooth-flowing and easy for you.


Make manifestation the next logical step

Your ability to imagine will help the next logical steps come to you faster. Work the bugs out in your imagination.

You don’t have to build little things and bigger things. You can do it all in your mind.

We’re not talking about the next logical action step. Use your imagination until your big dream feels so familiar that the manifestation is the next logical step.

Abraham, Excerpted from Chicago, IL on 11/1/98


Overwhelment is about you not being up to speed

Overwhelment is about you not being up to speed with what you told the Universe that you want. The Universe is yielding to you. You’re just not ready to receive it right now.

Abraham, Excerpted from Philadelphia, PA on 5/13/02



It’s about tuning

Questioner: I justify the time that I’m not doing anything, that I don’t feel like I’m being productive.

Abraham: Oh, you’re never not doing anything. What if you’re tuning? What if you’re tuning to source energy? That’s the most significant thing that you could do.

And what’s the best way of tuning? Finding something pleasurable.

You already did Step One. Source already did Step Two. Yours is Step Three, and it’s tuning.

It’s tuning.

And then the inspiration comes and now you’re offering action from that inspiration. But you don’t want to ever do anything that’s not inspired from Source which means for most of you, if you were really taking us literally, for a few days you’re not going to do anything.

But that trips you up because you got kids to feed […], you got stuff that you got to do. You have responsibilities.

And so you can’t just not…but you could just not.

You could say to everyone…they say [Abraham impersonates a harsh tone] ‘What are you doing?’

[Abraham replies in a hesitant tone]


[audience laughter]


It’s not about the action

It’s not about the action.

It’s about whatever you can do in order to bring yourself to the best feeling place that then inspires the action.
