Action quotes

The only thing worthy of discipline

The discipline that we would like you to exercise is to make a decision that nothing is more important than that you feel good, and that you are going to find thoughts that feel better. Your cork floating is the only thing that is worthy of discipline.

Abraham, Excerpted from Silver Spring, MD on 4/19/97


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Let 90%+ of your work be about lining up with the flow

Most of you have come to rely on your physical actions for making things happen. And there isn’t anything wrong with enjoying your action. Action is a delicious part of the physical experience.


Inspiration is finding the feeling place of something, creating a picture in your mind, finding the feeling place of it, practicing the feeling place of it until you are vibrationally in alignment with that - and then the Universe orchestrating circumstances and events that just call you.

In other words, you find yourself under those conditions not questioning whether you should or not. Your attitude is not Abraham, or somebody, what do you think about this? Your attitude is, I really don’t care what anybody thinks about this, I’m going to do this.

And when it feels like that, then you are working from the inside out, the inspiration is calling you forth. That really is what you’ve intended about all of this.

When you feel like you should do something in order to make something happen, now you’re vibrating from the place of the lack of what you are wanting and now you are trying to use your action to compensate for the lack of alignment.

And there’s just not enough action in the world to compensate for not being in that flow.

So if we were standing in your physical shoes, we would let 90 or more percent of our work be about lining up with the flow. And we would let 10 or less percent of it be about worrying about what action that we would take.

Abraham, 2004-07-03, Alaska cruise

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Don’t move until the inspiration makes it impossible for you to not do it

Your Vortex has already prioritized everything.

Because Source knows who you are, what you want, and where you are in relationship to what you want.

So doesn’t that mean that the Vortex has already prioritized everything?

Now do you want to motivate yourself or do you want to find inspiration?

What is inspiration? Isn’t inspiration following the path that Source has already concluded as a result of all of the pieces that you have put into it?


The path of least resistance right now is not to do anything. The path of least resistance is to continue the thought process, the feeling process.


What we really want to say to all of you is don’t move until the inspiration makes it impossible for you to not do it. Don’t go anywhere until your desire to be there is so powerful that nothing could keep you from it.

In other words, when it’s “here, here, here”, stay where you are.


Never make decisions from what you should do, or what you need to do, always from a place of what you want to do.



Manipulation is what you do when you don’t know how to calibrate

You know why people manipulate things? Because they’re not calibrating them in to being.

Manipulation is what you do when you don’t know how to calibrate. Manipulation is what you do.

It’s so hard to do things with action. And it’s so easy to do things with the leverage of your inner being and universal help and the laws of the universe.


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Creating a big life

When you begin calibrating and you tap into the resources that are available to you and you create a really big life, you can’t fall back into patterns of action to deal with the big life you’ve created.

You just can’t do it.

When you do it, your body breaks down, or the air conditioner breaks down, or something breaks down, communication breaks down.

You can’t go back.

You can’t tap in to the bigness of who you are and attract the big, big, big experiences like Esther’s attracting around her and then count on her scheduling, or her own physical effort or her own physical follow up to keep things in balance.

You can’t go back to an action-oriented world once you’ve tapped into Infinite Intelligence and the source energy that creates worlds. You can’t go back.

You have to keep trusting and believing and asking, and not responding, and not trying to manage, and not trying to manipulate, and not try to get somebody who doesn’t want to do their job to do their job.

So if you’ve got somebody in place that isn’t doing their job, and you want them to do their job and they don’t do their job and then you yell at them because they’re not doing their job, you’re not doing your job.



Law of Attraction will fix those things

What’s stuck in so many of your vibrational craws is, “I still need to control something. The circumstances need to be adjusted in order for things to go well for me,” and that is never, never, never, never true.

All you have to adjust is your vibration. […]

It might be hard to feel better when you see things that are wrong, and it might be hard to feel better when you feel things are going wrong, but get off this belief system that says, “I’ve got to fix what’s wrong before I can feel better,” and find a way of feeling better *before* anything’s fixed.

And if you can find a way of feeling better before anything is fixed, Law of Attraction will fix those things.

Abraham-Hicks, Aug 9, 2009; San Francisco, CA


Real life

For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time to still be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.

Happiness, Alfred D Souza

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Juggling chainsaws

When you’re in an earthquake on a unicycle, juggling chain saws, the only way to survive is to tack down what you can tack down, so you can deal with what you can’t.

Stephen Chakwin


Define what you want and then let go of it

So don’t beat up on yourself when you feel frustration in the defining mode. That’s all right - that’s normal.

Just define and then step back and say ‘I’ve done it, I’ve defined it, you know what I want. I’m going to do some other things while you bring some things into play and I will do my best to watch for evidence. Meanwhile, I’ll focus on anything and everything that makes me feel good as I do it.’

Because somewhere, so many of you get hung up on this ‘I need to prove my worthiness through my action’, and there’s no worthiness to be proven.

Abraham - San Antonio, 11/24/01