This is an artificial intelligence summary of the Open Hotseat - September 2022 webinar
Here are some key takeaways from the webinar:
The collective energy of fear and worry can be very powerful right now, like a fast flowing river that’s easy to get swept up in. Staying aligned with your own good-feeling thoughts is crucial.
You cannot attract things you don’t want. You have to focus on and align with what you do want in order to change your manifestations.
Identifying and releasing limiting beliefs about unfairness, lack of control, intelligence, etc can quickly change what you’re attracting. Emotional release methods like EFT work well for this.
Just a small number of people consistently aligned with their inner well-being can shift the energy of the entire collective.
Don’t underestimate your power and clarity of thought if you understand the Law of Attraction. You are brighter than you realize.
Keep your vibration high and steady regardless of what the collective is experiencing. This helps inspire hope in others.