This is so big, friends. What you observe feels different to you depending upon the emotional state of being you’re in when you observe it.
Look at it. It is as simple as this. If you observe something from the upper half of the [emotional guidance] scale, which is where your inner being always is, it looks one way. If you observe something from the lower half of the scale, it looks another way.
And you want to say, “No, no, no, Abraham, I observe it. And then I go to the upper half, or I observe it. And then I go to the lower half.”
And we say, “Well, if that’s the case, then you’re in a lot of trouble.” Because whatever’s happening around you is gonna take you up or down or all around, you see.
But when you decide how you want to feel, that’s what getting out ahead of it is. That’s what pre-paving is. That’s what calibrating to your inner being is.
Then, from the upper half of the scale, you have upper-half-of-the-scale experiences. And from the lower half of the scale, you have lower-half-of-the-scale experiences. And you get to choose where you are.
But don’t wait until you’re in the middle of observing something that’s been getting your goat and yanking your chain and pushing your button for a long, long time. Don’t wait until you’re in the middle of it and then there you go again.
Get out ahead of it. Pre-pave it. Get ready to be ready. Make your list of positive aspects.
Abraham Now broadcast - July 24, 2021