It is so far understood that the collective animates the big picture. But how big is my impact on the collective manifestation in physical reality? How quickly can I change the big picture for myself?
You’re changing the big picture as an individual all the time. Whether you are aware of the changes or not, or the impact or not is a different issue. But you have all the impact on the collective that you can possibly have.
By acting on your passion, it may reveal the impact that you have. But it doesn’t create more impact on the total whole. You can already have a complete and total impact on the whole just by being part of it.
So any change you make changes the whole although the degree to which you experience the change may be different, may seem small, may seem big, depending upon what acting on your passion does. But it always impacts the whole no matter to what degree. It makes a difference.
Bashar - Parallel Realities and You - August 2023