Influencing & Being Influenced quotes

Control your point of attraction, not the behaviour of others

And that is the reason that we were asking just for a little while that you for yourself make the distinction between accomplishing or controlling - we don’t like the word control very much - but controlling my point of attraction, rather than controlling another person’s behaviour.

Because if you will focus there for just a little bit, you’ll notice that if you’re under the influence of your source, your timing your behaviour, what you call forth from another will be different


We want you to control your point of attraction. We are not wanting you to control the behaviour of others, but it feels to you that you need to control the behaviours of others. Otherwise you’re not controlling your point of attraction.


We don’t want your motive to be to affect someone else’s behaviour. We want all of your intentionality to be around your connecting to your source energy.


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Two who are connected to the Energy Stream…

One who is connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful than a million who are not.

And two who are harmoniously focused and connected to the Energy Stream brings about a co-creative endeavor that cannot be matched by anything else in all of the Universe.

Abraham, Excerpted from Los Angeles, CA on 7/26/97


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Harmony - a powerful Vortex

Is harmony one note that everybody is singing? Or is it a whole lot of notes that are in vibrational harmony with each other? When you give your attention to anything, the Universe responds to it.

When two of you are giving your attention to it, and there is no contradiction, it is a powerful vortex.

That’s why a gathering such as this can achieve a great deal as you come together in greater and greater harmony and take thought beyond that which it has been before.

Abraham, Excerpted from Chicago, IL on 4/25/99

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