When are my taxes going to get done if I follow my excitement?

The question is about what exactly excitement and passion is, because I was wondering like when do my taxes get done?

So the idea, of course, is passion is your physical interpretation of the messages from the higher mind guiding you in the direction that is most true and in alignment with your core vibration.

So you interpret those messages from the higher mind saying, this is the next step. This is the next step. This is the next step.

But the idea is that these things are being filtered through your belief systems, beliefs that you’ve been taught to harbor in the physical mind about what you think should or shouldn’t be done in a way that it should or shouldn’t be done, and so on and so forth.

So there are many things in your reality, physically, that many people may discount or think cannot be representative of their passion because of how they’ve been taught to define it, how they’ve been taught to relate to it.

So it’s always about examining your definitions to make sure that whatever it is that is truly necessary in your reality can be done in the most exciting way that you can imagine doing it, if it is something that is truly necessary unless you can find a way in your passion that it doesn’t need to be done.

But for the things that you have agreed to abide by, in your society, in your reality, there’s always a way. There’s always a path for you that can allow it to be done in the most exciting way possible.

Bashar - Parallel Realities and You - August 2023